kitty :)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2:35 AM

haha. this cute kitty i found at my garden :)
heres the story :)
{theres alot of stray cats at my garden :) and i remembered the 1st time the cat gave birth to 2 cuteeeee kittens . when we found them... they were all bloodyy coz they were just borned and so.... 1 kitty died and i cant remember what happened to the other kitty. (the cats likes to shit at my garden all d ay long ) :) for like...3-4 months we haven't seen the kittens . a random day... the cats came back ... and i saw it pregnant ! -again- a week later, it gave birth to 4 kittens . this time, we caught them ,4 of them . when the mother and her kittens were hiding behind the bushes, my brother took a wooden stick and poked the mother cat and she ran away without her kittens (so meannnn) and so... we took her kittens :o . then we made a kitty house out of bricks and we put the kittens inside it . there was one cuteeeeeee kitty !!!!!! soooo ... heh heh. i brought it in without my parents knowing . it was cold, so i wraped it with a cloth :B soon, my mom found out that i brought it into the house ;o (obviously) all my mom said was, if i keep it too long it's mom wont want it anyymore . i din care for awhile .. i fed the kittens warm milk (organic ) :) but they didn't want it :( long story............................................................. to the end . and so to the dying part.... 2 kittens got away 2 died . 1 fell down my house and the other got eaten by the father :o . 2 months later the cat came back without the kitten and she was pregnant .
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Coffee Bean :)
2:29 AM

my shop in restaurant city :)
i name it coffee bean :B
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In school
Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:33 PM
ahhhaaa. yesterday we had to do this check up thingy if we had fever or anything.
and so alottttt of people didn't come today.
so only like 7 people from our class came so we can now play with the computer all day long. :)
and maybe we could actually go out for break early :P
[the reasons why i actually want to come today.]
1.we get to play computer all day long.
2.maybe we'll get to go out for break early.
3.i'll get to go for saeeda's birthday party after school ! :)
4.i get extra money from my mommy >:) i'm gonna play Flanders killer games >:)
bye people :B
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The cake :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 4:20 AM

My mommy made this :B
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helloooo :B
Monday, August 17, 2009 6:46 PM
soo much drama happened :Bdo you like fishballs? :Bi do :Bbored... :B i want my mommy! :Blol! jkjk :Bnothing to dooooo!nvm =.= i'm gonna watch bull fighting :B-drama -:) xoxo,wenn :)
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hello luckyy days!
Thursday, August 6, 2009 4:02 PM

its the other way..
its real ! its real!
lucky stone :)
Labels: lucky stone
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blop !
3:56 PM

so cuteee! :D
its on a aloe vera plant :)
its for sale! but not here
i took this picture myself :B
prettyyyyyy riteeee?
its for $$30 :D
Labels: thats me :D
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fossil :)))
Saturday, August 1, 2009 7:08 AM

Labels: me
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6:51 AM

Labels: pot
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my hand
6:34 AM

Labels: me
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lalala ! :)
6:30 AM

Labels: me
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Thats Me :D -i look ugly here :) -
6:06 AM

Labels: wenn
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habbo!!!!!(nice days)
5:35 AM

Labels: blinkiee(wenn), TriggerxGirl(saeeda)Katrina-something(sabrina) :)
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kitty :)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2:35 AM

haha. this cute kitty i found at my garden :)
heres the story :)
{theres alot of stray cats at my garden :) and i remembered the 1st time the cat gave birth to 2 cuteeeee kittens . when we found them... they were all bloodyy coz they were just borned and so.... 1 kitty died and i cant remember what happened to the other kitty. (the cats likes to shit at my garden all d ay long ) :) for like...3-4 months we haven't seen the kittens . a random day... the cats came back ... and i saw it pregnant ! -again- a week later, it gave birth to 4 kittens . this time, we caught them ,4 of them . when the mother and her kittens were hiding behind the bushes, my brother took a wooden stick and poked the mother cat and she ran away without her kittens (so meannnn) and so... we took her kittens :o . then we made a kitty house out of bricks and we put the kittens inside it . there was one cuteeeeeee kitty !!!!!! soooo ... heh heh. i brought it in without my parents knowing . it was cold, so i wraped it with a cloth :B soon, my mom found out that i brought it into the house ;o (obviously) all my mom said was, if i keep it too long it's mom wont want it anyymore . i din care for awhile .. i fed the kittens warm milk (organic ) :) but they didn't want it :( long story............................................................. to the end . and so to the dying part.... 2 kittens got away 2 died . 1 fell down my house and the other got eaten by the father :o . 2 months later the cat came back without the kitten and she was pregnant .
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Coffee Bean :)
2:29 AM

my shop in restaurant city :)
i name it coffee bean :B
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In school
Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:33 PM
ahhhaaa. yesterday we had to do this check up thingy if we had fever or anything.
and so alottttt of people didn't come today.
so only like 7 people from our class came so we can now play with the computer all day long. :)
and maybe we could actually go out for break early :P
[the reasons why i actually want to come today.]
1.we get to play computer all day long.
2.maybe we'll get to go out for break early.
3.i'll get to go for saeeda's birthday party after school ! :)
4.i get extra money from my mommy >:) i'm gonna play Flanders killer games >:)
bye people :B
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The cake :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 4:20 AM

My mommy made this :B
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helloooo :B
Monday, August 17, 2009 6:46 PM
soo much drama happened :Bdo you like fishballs? :Bi do :Bbored... :B i want my mommy! :Blol! jkjk :Bnothing to dooooo!nvm =.= i'm gonna watch bull fighting :B-drama -:) xoxo,wenn :)
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hello luckyy days!
Thursday, August 6, 2009 4:02 PM

its the other way..
its real ! its real!
lucky stone :)
Labels: lucky stone
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blop !
3:56 PM

so cuteee! :D
its on a aloe vera plant :)
its for sale! but not here
i took this picture myself :B
prettyyyyyy riteeee?
its for $$30 :D
Labels: thats me :D
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fossil :)))
Saturday, August 1, 2009 7:08 AM

Labels: me
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6:51 AM

Labels: pot
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my hand
6:34 AM

Labels: me
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lalala ! :)
6:30 AM

Labels: me
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Thats Me :D -i look ugly here :) -
6:06 AM

Labels: wenn
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habbo!!!!!(nice days)
5:35 AM

Labels: blinkiee(wenn), TriggerxGirl(saeeda)Katrina-something(sabrina) :)
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