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love habbo disease
Monday, March 30, 2009 1:31 AM
...I love habbo.... love love love.!

As you can see i really love habbo

also addicted.... and when i am staying back at school,
i play habbo. but actually we're not suppose
2 play any games .but games that are games 4 nerds!
i thought ...that the libarian was my fren!
but no ! she is a ugly pumbadashhhhhh...
u may not know what pumbadashhhh means
but its ok . i dont too. :D anyway... she blocked every game we played!
and now! no more habbo when i'm staying back!
so now i only get 2 go 2 google, blogger n this stupid encarta kids
and now that my frens are playing encarta kids.
i'm very sure their turning to retarded babarians

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